Save As

On every other system I've used when I go to save a show there is always a save as so I can rename or retitle my show saves.
Under the Hog system I find this to be confusing and wish there was a 'Save as' Option. can't be that hard to add in as it is usually part of the default file system functionality
  • It's your full right to push MA if that's what you like.
    A desk is only as good as the operator knows it and vice versa.

    That being said I believe the way hog manages it's files actually has advantages to the MA method if you understand it and use it smartly / as intended.

    Sometimes I operate on MA but I almost never program one. I've been to a course once and the system (onPC) crashed (not a disaster everything can crash)
    The tutor reopened the file and he lost an hour of work, wouldn't have happened with a HOG crash.
    Even with auto save turned on you could lose some work. (and it isn't on by default)

    Reasons behind why one wants to save a show under 'Save as' really is not my care.

    Reasons why you want a feature are actually pretty important. No good reasons = it's not going to get in there.
    I could think of some better reasons for a coffee command in the desk then for a 'Save as' feature! ;)
  • It's your full right to push MA if that's what you like.
    A desk is only as good as the operator knows it and vice versa.

    That being said I believe the way hog manages it's files actually has advantages to the MA method if you understand it and use it smartly / as intended.

    Sometimes I operate on MA but I almost never program one. I've been to a course once and the system (onPC) crashed (not a disaster everything can crash)
    The tutor reopened the file and he lost an hour of work, wouldn't have happened with a HOG crash.
    Even with auto save turned on you could lose some work. (and it isn't on by default)

    Reasons behind why one wants to save a show under 'Save as' really is not my care.

    Reasons why you want a feature are actually pretty important. No good reasons = it's not going to get in there.
    I could think of some better reasons for a coffee command in the desk then for a 'Save as' feature! ;)
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