Hello, So just thought of this... What if you replaced the trackball with a black track ball? I found this one on Amazon, its 34mm, which should match the trackball on consoles www.amazon.com/Perixx-18021-PERIPRO-303GR-Trackball-Compatible/dp/B08DD6GQRV/ref=sr_1_16?dchild=1&keywords=Trackball%2Breplacement&s=pc&sr=1-16&th=1
Hello, So just thought of this... What if you replaced the trackball with a black track ball? I found this one on Amazon, its 34mm, which should match the trackball on consoles www.amazon.com/Perixx-18021-PERIPRO-303GR-Trackball-Compatible/dp/B08DD6GQRV/ref=sr_1_16?dchild=1&keywords=Trackball%2Breplacement&s=pc&sr=1-16&th=1