Several versions of HogPc on the same computer.

Im sure it was requested more than once, but I really would love to be able to instal several versions of HogPc on a single machine. Thank you.  

  • Hello Noah, thank you for the info about the log. I have hogPC installed on my laptop. Allowing the install of other HogPC versions would avoid uninstalling a current working version of HOGPC just to start beta testing a new version. I prep a lot of shows in advance, so I like to always have the current software release ready to work. Thank you.
  • Hello Noah, thank you for the info about the log. I have hogPC installed on my laptop. Allowing the install of other HogPC versions would avoid uninstalling a current working version of HOGPC just to start beta testing a new version. I prep a lot of shows in advance, so I like to always have the current software release ready to work. Thank you.
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