Update screen

Let's try again <span>:wink:</span>
When you press update the palette you wish to update is never checked. If I checked the box for a palette is it possible to make this like a toggle? So it stays checked till I touch it again.
  • Hi, Let me explain. We use a main Cuelists for tv show and in there are all-pallettes for different scene-settings. So if I choose a couple of lights that are in these pallettes it only shows these with update and you have to check the palette box each time. If you already checked the box could it stay that way so you can hit enter to update?
  • Hi, Let me explain. We use a main Cuelists for tv show and in there are all-pallettes for different scene-settings. So if I choose a couple of lights that are in these pallettes it only shows these with update and you have to check the palette box each time. If you already checked the box could it stay that way so you can hit enter to update?
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