OSC Interface for Control App (Android + iOS)

I've written a fairly basic Hog-4 OSC interface in JSON for the "Control" app which is available on both the Android and iOS platforms.

Once you have Control installed:
- add an Interface by pointing it to:


- then make sure you set a "destination" in Control that matches your console's IP and Port settings for OSC in. (ie:

Note that currently this only goes one way...device to console. Console to device messages (such as LED status, etc.) is not yet implemented by me for this.

I have had no success in testing this myself as I have been unable to get OSC in to H4PC due some network oddities on my end, but apparently others have used it successfully.

I designed the layout for a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (love the stylus on it for things like this!:headbang:), so you may see slight variations in the layout between different devices.

I'm hoping you all have better success connecting and using this. Please report any issues back to me so I can adjust for them if possible.

  • :rtfm: ;-)

    Touch OSC data-transfer is very easy, has 2 options:

    * via itunes
    * via Wifi-connection, there is a an option to download files in the Touch OSC software. You need to install the Touch OSC Editor on your computer first. Then load the template there, start the App an your device and computer, and start the transfer process liked described in the manual of Touch OSC
  • :rtfm: ;-)

    Touch OSC data-transfer is very easy, has 2 options:

    * via itunes
    * via Wifi-connection, there is a an option to download files in the Touch OSC software. You need to install the Touch OSC Editor on your computer first. Then load the template there, start the App an your device and computer, and start the transfer process liked described in the manual of Touch OSC
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