Lets exchange Showfiles!

Hi all!

I have started Hog4 programming since 2 years now and so far im getting pretty comfortable with the consoles and software.
But i feel like im hitting a wall where i cant find better and clever ways of programming, especially with Live operating EDM.

My idea is to have a look at others how they program and set-up their shows. Therefor i'd like to exchange showfiles to learn from eachother and perhaps pick up some good tricks. It doesnt matter if u are a rookie or a pro. Because If u are interested like me then contact me, and we can both start learning!

Kind Regards,

  • Stefan,

    I think that I speak for the most of us when I say that the exchange of show files is not something that we want to do.

    Many of us spend a lot of time and effort on making a show file that works for us.

    Compare it to a magician that after he preformed the best trick you have ever seen, tells everyone how it's done.

    I fee like the hog community is one where you can ask a lot of questions and most of time get answers for the things you encounter.

    I'm sure that if you ask the right questions you will improve your programming and operating a lot.

    If you want you can send me an direct message and we can exchange mail addresses so you can ask me whatever you want.

    I'm not saying that I know everything but maybe I can show you some tricks of the trade.

