If you understand Hog FX, maybe you can help...

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  • Example 1:
    Try Fixture 101 @ 0
    Intensity: STEP @ 60bpm, 100% size and length, 270° offset

    What is happening is the effect starts and ends at 0° / 360° so from 0° - 179° the lights will be on, then from 180° - 359° they will be off then at the end of the cycle it blips back to full at 360°. Setting the offset to 270° basically offsets the start from 0° / 360° to 270° / 630° on the circle.

    Example 2:

    Fixture 101>106 @ 0
    Intensity: STEP @ 60bpm, 100% size, 50% length, 101>106 Effect offset 90 thru 350°
    Bounce: ON

    The problem here is with the structure of bounce.
    Normally 123456 ... 123456 ... 123456 is the wave. With bounce on its 12345654321 ... 12345654321 ... 12345654321 at the end of each wave "...321", the wave bleeds over to the other side, that’s why you’ll see it on one side and not the other.

    I got the desired effect with 6 lights, but you'd have to tweak it for a different # of lights.

    Example 3:

    Not really sure what you're asking exactly, but I think when 3.9 releases control sets might help you out with this problem.

    Example 4:

    Currently, you cannot record "Off" Values to a palette.

    Option 1: Hold period and press position, this will set the position effects to off, but it will also change the base values of your lights to their default values. This will also be added into your programmer.

    Option 2: You can make effect palettes with a size and rate of 0 for the respective parameters you'd like to stop. This route will allow you to keep your pan and tilt values, but the "Effect will also be in your programmer.

    Option 3: You can make a scene or list that is has a Pan and Tilt effect with a size and rate of 0. When you move the fader to full it will stop the effect because of LTP. When you move the fader back to zero, your lights should fall back to what they were programmed to. This will not be in your programmer. Note: this will only work if your effect is coming from playback, not the programmer. You could make a page full of IPCB faders like this for different parameters.
  • Example 1:
    Try Fixture 101 @ 0
    Intensity: STEP @ 60bpm, 100% size and length, 270° offset

    What is happening is the effect starts and ends at 0° / 360° so from 0° - 179° the lights will be on, then from 180° - 359° they will be off then at the end of the cycle it blips back to full at 360°. Setting the offset to 270° basically offsets the start from 0° / 360° to 270° / 630° on the circle.

    Example 2:

    Fixture 101>106 @ 0
    Intensity: STEP @ 60bpm, 100% size, 50% length, 101>106 Effect offset 90 thru 350°
    Bounce: ON

    The problem here is with the structure of bounce.
    Normally 123456 ... 123456 ... 123456 is the wave. With bounce on its 12345654321 ... 12345654321 ... 12345654321 at the end of each wave "...321", the wave bleeds over to the other side, that’s why you’ll see it on one side and not the other.

    I got the desired effect with 6 lights, but you'd have to tweak it for a different # of lights.

    Example 3:

    Not really sure what you're asking exactly, but I think when 3.9 releases control sets might help you out with this problem.

    Example 4:

    Currently, you cannot record "Off" Values to a palette.

    Option 1: Hold period and press position, this will set the position effects to off, but it will also change the base values of your lights to their default values. This will also be added into your programmer.

    Option 2: You can make effect palettes with a size and rate of 0 for the respective parameters you'd like to stop. This route will allow you to keep your pan and tilt values, but the "Effect will also be in your programmer.

    Option 3: You can make a scene or list that is has a Pan and Tilt effect with a size and rate of 0. When you move the fader to full it will stop the effect because of LTP. When you move the fader back to zero, your lights should fall back to what they were programmed to. This will not be in your programmer. Note: this will only work if your effect is coming from playback, not the programmer. You could make a page full of IPCB faders like this for different parameters.
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