Change colour home values

I would like to change my home values.
When I press "Fixture ... (RGB) @ full" all LEDs are turned on = white

How can I change the values that when I turn up the intenstiy there are no colours, so also no rgb mixed white.

  • You could Edit Fixtures to make the default CMY values all 100%. This would bring up black by default. Could take a while depending on the number of fixtures you have. Another option would be to create a black palette and select that before you take the fixture to Full. Both options seem a bit counter intuitive with Full up essentially being off. I'd suggest selecting a color before going Full if avoiding the white light is your intention.
  • You could Edit Fixtures to make the default CMY values all 100%. This would bring up black by default. Could take a while depending on the number of fixtures you have. Another option would be to create a black palette and select that before you take the fixture to Full. Both options seem a bit counter intuitive with Full up essentially being off. I'd suggest selecting a color before going Full if avoiding the white light is your intention.
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