Mirror effect

Hey all! I have a question about an effect I'm thinking of. I have 10 moving fixtures in a row. I want them all to start at a center point (5 stage right facing in, 5 stage left facing in) >><<. Then fan out and dim from the outside inward <<>>, mirroring stage left and right. Then come back to the center, rinse and repeat. I would like to build this as an effect and not a cue/step. I hope this makes sense. Thank you!
  • Maybe I was doing it wrong with fanning, but I was able to achieve the effect I want. I haven't gotten it 100% nailed down yet, but I used a combination of selection order and buddying. Then reverse the direction of stage left lights panning so I get a symmetrical look splitting from the center. I also want the intensity to fade and not step on/off. Getting that timing right using sine wave is part of where my trouble is.

    How do you set up using the combination of sin/ramp on pan? Maybe I'm setting that part up wrong.
  • Maybe I was doing it wrong with fanning, but I was able to achieve the effect I want. I haven't gotten it 100% nailed down yet, but I used a combination of selection order and buddying. Then reverse the direction of stage left lights panning so I get a symmetrical look splitting from the center. I also want the intensity to fade and not step on/off. Getting that timing right using sine wave is part of where my trouble is.

    How do you set up using the combination of sin/ramp on pan? Maybe I'm setting that part up wrong.
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