Light Converse - Shutter/ Light output

Hey! I am using Light Converse on a desktop. The desktop is running windows 7 with plenty of power to it. I also have Hog 3 PC running on that machine as well. Both versions are the most current, I thought may be causing my issue so I went thru and updated it all today. I also have a Hog 3 iPC connected to it as well. Both software versions are the same hog wise. Here is what is going on. I got a show setup on there. I have the Hog visualizer setup on there as well and it is connected to the hog control. The problem i am having is that I can control all the things on the fixtures however the intensity does not visually change in the program (meaning I don't see the light actually coming on). If I click on the fixture to watch the values change in LC they all change correctly and respond like they should. I also see the red lines changing in value on the bar when nothing is selected in LC. The only light I can get to turn on are LED cans because I am running those with just 3 desk channels as a test until I can get a profile into there that is for the real fixture. So is there something I am missing or not selecting that would keep the light from coming on in the 3D rendering? It does move correctly and everything as well. Thanks in advance for your help!