Flash to Zero / Flash to Full

This is a feature that the Strand Galaxy had, still the best generic lighting desk ever made, and it's is an esential tool in TV lighting.

In TV lighting, and theatre lighting too, you want to see what a particular lamp is contributing to the scene, to see if it is doing its desired job and to see if it is doing anything it's not supposed to be. We want an instant 'flash to zero' and 'flash to full' that overrides any other control layer on the desk, and when you let go, the level of that channel or fixture goes back to where it was, whether on the output or in the programmer or editor.

On the Galaxy it was a hardware non-latching toggle type switch on the channel controller, overriding every other control of that channel on the desk including the grand master. On the Hog this could best be achieved by a key combination such as 'PIG + +' and 'PIG + -'
Ideally once you have flashed a channel, you should be able to enter another channel without having to press BKSP or clear the command line, as if you had adjusted some parameter of that fixture or channel. However if I had to press BKSP then that would be okay.

Please note, this is NOT the same in ANY way, to Highlight or Lowlight.

As a former Galaxy and Hog 2 specialist, I always wanted the Hog 2 to have this feature and I hope you can easily add it now to Hog 4.

Thank you.

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