Need help creating a lighting effect/cue

I have a show coming up, in a few weeks.

I want to create a great lighting effect using all of the theater lighting including the house lights.

The scene is like this... Bomb is ticking and then thrown off stage into the wing. I have a audience blinder to create the huge flash and a F-100 for a big burst of fog.

The effect, which I don't know how to write yet would be like the power is going out. Random flashing and dimming of of the lights but when the lights dim, the house lights come on flashing to counter the effect. Then it will finish in a complete blackout!

I'll be using the Insight 3 console.

I guess it would be best to use it as a cue, but I've never used the "part" of a cue. And I guess i could also use a submaster.

I guess what I'm really asking is how to write it using timings and whatever else would be needed, in 1 push of the button.

Has anyone ever created this effect?

[edited by: Joe_ML at 10:42 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 1 2011]
  • It should do exactly that -

    [page2][enter][(on)bump69][mwait x][offbump69][page 1][enter]

    looks right to me, if I'm understanding you correctly.

    Keep in mind that when you're moving subs from their home positions while the board is on page 2, those subs are on page 2 as well, and any subs active but carried from Page 1 before the macro will switch to page 2 if homed then.

    By 'homed' I mean brought to 0 for most subs, and full for inhibitive subs.

  • Actually, [Page2][enter][(on)bump69][Page1][enter][Mwait x][offbump69] would be less "dangerous", as you'd not be in page 2 as long, but the functionality should remain. If I'm not mistaken, the page indicator on the top right of screen 2 flashes whenever all subs aren't on the current page as a heads up.

    The blind/sub list will show you exactly which subs are on which page - but any subs active when the macro executes will flash their LEDs (fast or slow, depending on what they're doing) until homed. The page indicator will warn you, in red, that active subs are not homed, even if you're back in the normal page for them, and the sub list on screen 2 will have flashing green numbers, showing the page has been changed since these subs were activated.

  • So, I should program everything from page 1, into another page. I mainly use page 1 for all my programming of scene settings like groups, but in subs for the quickness of recall.

     In my new theory, (let me know if this will work out better, for Page 1 Macros or whatever) I can use a different page for my scene settings and Inhib's. Then, program all my effect subs in Page 1. And hopefully I won't see those flashing buttons anymore!

     Cause I did b/o the stage and bring the house lights back on, when "homed" them. Not good for live performances.

    Side question - To make an step crossfade to the next step, how do I do this?? I put 1sec for up/down times Hi = FL, Lo = 0. And the there isn't any crossfading, Just a slower flash of the step.  I did it once before, but forgot how I did it, lol.

    That's all i hope - going to program.... *squeezes forehead, saying this isn't going to be fun


  • I try to keep everything I'll need during a show on page 1 - If I know I won't need something, and will be short of subs (an infrequent occurance for me on the Insights) I'll set up a programming page.

    You don't really need to home the subs - they'll keep working as needed while they're up, but you may find the blinking gets a little distracting until you're used to it. They're just flashing there as a warning.

    Crossfading is a little unintuitive at first - the time column for a step tells the board when to execute the next step, the in time, dwell time, and out time tell the board how you'd like to see the step come in, stay, and go out. All pretty obvious - but for a crossfade, you should set the step time to be the sum of the in time and the dwell time, and make sure there's a fade time in the out column for that step...

    As an example:

    Step 1, Ch 12 thru 16 full, time 3, in 1, dwell 2, fade 1

    Step 2, Ch 1 thru 11 full, time 4, in 2, dwell 2, fade 1

    would fade 12 thru 16 up in 1, stay there for two, and start fading 1 thru 11 up in 2 while fading 12 thru 16 out in 1, would keep 1 thru 11 up for 2, then crossfade 1 thru 16 on 1 from zero to full or full to zero, depending on where they were.


    [edited by: JHarpur at 12:53 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 6 2011]
  • I've done FX cues like this before, and I have made myself a sort of cookbook (MS-notepad) of my favorite FX.  These 2 entries may help!

    BTW........ TIDO = the step Time,  In,  Dwell,  Out   parameters. 



    *****************************Lightning FX*****************************

    step#                            ch   levels                                TIDO

    1                                        15                                0.1,   0,   0.2,  0
    2                                           fl
    3                                         34
    4                                         11
    5                                         11
    6                                         11
    7                                          fl
    8                                         13
    9                                          fl
    10                                       20
    11                                       28
    12                                       62
    13                                       15
    14                                       15
    15                                       66

    Attributes = Random


    *********************Electric lights short out************************

    step#                                       ch   levels                            TIDO

    1                                                    low                             .05,  0,  x,   0
    2                                                    low
    3                                                    low
    4                                                    low
    5                                                    low
    6                                                    low
    7                                                   normal
    8                                                    low
    9                                                    low

    Attributes = bounce

