Flash -> to programmer

I think there are consoles on the market which have the same kind of feature...

but in theatre enviroment it would be very useful if you could have for example an option for flash button...

Flash pressed -> intensity value goes directly to programmer and follows the fader until flash is released.
Flash released -> fader works normally
  • Like I have tried to say before this flash to programmer thing would allow to have "second programmer", which is usefull in fast on the fly situations. So, pressing flash would take full control of intensities recorded to that fader/cue and when you release the flash value is transfered to programmer...after that you only need to press Update...so this is like adding more intesity wheels...
    Though why not to make this work with IPCB also :)
  • Wouldn't [Live]+[Choose] do this?
    IE pull net values for the chosen master for fixtures above 0%, be it a group or playback, into an editor space where from record operations would be possible?
    Where as [Live][Suck] takes all programmed, [Live]+[Choose] would ony take that masters 'net' output into the programmer... (net because it may be consisting of inherent (group master) or programmed (List/Scene Master) contents).

    I must confess I don't quite see how the flash key can inhabit such dual purpose comfortably, especially when there are better specific keys for such roles, the choose key is there for global playback modifiers and should then work with syntax copy/move, Live, thruster etc...
  • [Live] + [Choose] could be a nice feature. But, I think in situations were you have a wing/wings and two operators on the same console it would be a bit tricky...