Hog 3 and Wysiwyg connectivity questions

A few questions that if answered might help with my current insanity from trying every combination of getting wysiwyg and hog 3 to talk.

1. Can you run the visualiser (wysiwyg) and hog 3 pc on same computer?

2. my current setup:
xp servicepack 3
wysiwyg version 23,
I've installed hog 3 pc (current version)
I've installed hog 3 connectivity driver.
Is this all correct or are there compatibility issues?

3.Is there a preferred order of software setup?
I have been opening wysiwyg which triggers virtual dp / connectivity driver
( set to port 6600, user number 1 )
My show has 9 vl2500's patched,
the device in the device manager is hog3 dp
the universe is bound to universe A,

4. Is there something in dp8000 patch or dmx setup or ip of desk or port settings that i need to worry about

At the moment The Wholehog III DP window always says Locating Wholehog III Net-work but never locates it, wysiwyg will not connect either

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

P.s. i have read everything in forums and wysiwyg and high end manuals i could get my hands on and couldnt figure it out
  • Hi Mick

    Looked at your screenshot for your port configuration and I think you've done a dyslexia. You have port 6060 configured not port 6600 as it should be.

    Hope thats it mate.
  • Hi Matthew,
    Thanks a million that was exactly it. Its odd i deinstalled and reinstalled the connectivity driver 3 or 4 times and i guess originally i screwed around with all the settings trying to make anything work, and originally there was a problem somewhere. But re-installing etc and loads of perseverance got me as far as i was yesterday, and today well it all works after a simple "dyslecsic" moment as you put it!
    Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread.

    Ok so you cant have ur cake and eat it i guess but should auto focus work between hog 3 and wysiwyg???????? It would be handy but it isnt the end of the world either ways.

    Oh and
    Wysiwyg v 24 works on same machine as hog3 pc booting on xp sp3 with both bootcamp and paralells on a mac Q.E.D.

    Wo hoooo!

    Thanks all
  • So figured out auto focus as well, fixture numbers in hog 3 must match spot numbers in wysiwyg. The spot numbers are what wysiwyg uses to identify the fixtures in hog 3. So when patching particularly if using quick tools, patch fixtures using auto increment on spot numbers as well as address