Sensor DMX Port B Output

Trying to get the DMX Port B working as an output. Tech support says it can’t be done as they are both inputs but as the Sensor+ manual clearly states I can connect to the racks web interface and change  port B to output.

Right now the dmx from our Ion goes into DMX A and stops there. A couple of Smartbars are also going into the DMX A pass through for whatever reason. We are about to get some Colorsource Cycs and would like to have the dmx from the board go into the rack through port A and then come out port B to the cs cycs and then terminate.

Any help/guidance greatly appreciated!

  • Hello,

    Sensor+ does indeed support using the DMX port B as an output, however the purpose of that is for converting network DMX (ETCNet2 EDMX or sACN) into a hardline dmx output - and it's a feature you should use with caution.

    But, from your description it sounds like what you are trying to do is using a physical DMX line and sort of a Y split, in a rough text drawing :

    ION---->Sensor Rack DMXA----->Smartbars
                                              |---------------------------> Colorsource Cycs

    If that is what you're trying to do, the port B output will not help - as it's an output from the network, not a splitter.

    First thing I would say is although this is all low voltage, it does involve wiring inside your racks by the sound of it, so if you're at all uncertain call an authorized technician, and of course make sure power is off before doing this work.

    My suggestions would be :
    Best option - run a separate DMX for your CS cycs from the Ion. The Ion has 2 DMX outputs, and it is always super helpful to keep dimmer racks separate from intelligent fixtures. So do:
    ION port A ---> Sensor rack DMXA --> Smartbars
    Ion port B ---> Colorsource Cycs

    If this is installed wiring, it's common to leave an extra unused pair of wires in the DMX cables, so you could use those for port B.

    If that's not possible, and you have to just use DMXA, you probably need to make sure everything is run in a chain as you cannot Y split DMX. So you need to go

    Ion --> Sensor rack DMXA --> Smartbars --> Colorsource cycs

    Hope that helps


    format fix
    [edited by: tomsteer at 8:43 AM (GMT -5) on Mon, Aug 13 2018]