Will this be possible in the future? As an example, i have just done an out door movie for a client of mine. They had 2 x G8 projectors doing 2, 4 x 3 images for advertising before the movie, then they switched to the movie projector doing 16 by 9. I would love to be able to do this using 2 DL2's, (i know i can already using s video but read on). Instead of using the s video to take a feed from my DVD player, wouldnt it be great if i could load my DVD Movie into the DL2s and take an audio feed from the DL2's so when i play that file back i have the audio as well. Could this all ready be acheived being the internal computer has a sound card in it already????? Just means there is one less thing to set up, i.e. DVD players etc etc
How are things going with the audio support for the axon ? I'm really bumping in to problems, off course we have the work arounds as described above but it is still not a really professional solution. :mad:
Is it an idea to support one type of usb sound card ? With this solution it is possible to keep the same software for the axon as for the dl2. The usb port on the dl2 isn't used very often so we can use this port without doing any modifications for the connectors.
We really need audio out from the system a.s.a.p (and since I'm only a dl2 owner and not an axon owner i would really like it on the dl2 as well on the axon)
It is very high on the list, but still a ways off before we can implement it.
I can say that it will be only implemented in Axon and would use the existing Audio jacks on the motherboard. The USB Audio devices really won't work as they require being able to install drivers and such.
:headbang: yeah lets run a multi K $ show on a one dollar connector. :headbang:
Why not edit the XPE image and pre install one usb driver for one specific usb soundcard that is sold worldwide by the high end distributors ? In this way there won't be problems with drivers and then we can have audio support on the dl2 and will have a normal pro audio connector for the output.
Wish it was that easy. Those kinds of devices constantly change, so there isn't just one device to support, it ends up being a dozen to deal with before very long.
The cost on that simple USB device would also get very expensive very quickly as we now have to stock it, add warranty to it, overheard, etc... Pretty soon the thing ends up being much more expensive and everyone would end up using the mini-jack anyway.
When you get down to it, the USB connector isn't really anymore solid than the mini-jack is.
Mr. HES service rep. for the entire EU doesn't have an AXON at his disposal?!?!.....something is very wrong here...:poke:
Well here's a thought anyways...if you take a computer out of a DL.2, it should boot up on it's own. There are audio jacks on these motherboards as well, so maybe the audio support can be added for them too. No?:D
This sounds like more of a mad-scientist solution, and not nearly as elegant as an AXON, but might be a nice option to have.:cool:
Your confused Marty. Mr hes service rep is Frank Schotman, and i'm Frank Verbeek. Both from the Netherlands but i don't work for high end systems, i'm just a owner of four dl2's in the Nethelands.
Doh!! Serves me right for not looking at the last name!
Ik ben zeer verblinden zelf voor een verlichting designer!:aiwebs_007: :rolleyes:
You should consider buying an AXON if you own DL.2s....I think you will find it very handy, and also very reasonably priced. I am very happy with mine.:)