Lustr 2 dimming snap out

We've had Lustr 2 fixtures for a long while now and they've always had a bit of a snap out on the low end as they dim out. I've always used the 10 channel (I think its 10??) QS General profile for them. Just recently updated the consoles to 3.2 software, which asked if I wanted to update the profile for the Lustr fixtures. It promised a better dimming curve and some other stuff. It truly feels like the snap out has gotten worse. What all was done to the Lustr 2 fixture profile in the recent library updates? Is there firmware that goes better with that profile? It looks like its 8 bit dimming, but the fade up always feels nice and smooth. The dim out truly is bad. We did not address this during show tech so I am stuck with what I have for this show, but I need to find a solution going forward. I'd like to know the history of the software/firmware for these fixtures.

And yes of course I have tried the slow bottom curve on the cues when its really noticeable, but it does not seem to be helping.
