Straight DMX into a SensorRack

Rip Van Winkle here. Out of the loop for 20+ years, I jumped at the chance to light a kid's play. I wrote a program that sends dmx (1-512) to my shoebox dimmers. The program also plays the many wave files that make up the show's music and sound effects. It worked great. Now the director tells me we're reprising the show in a high school auditorium theater. He doesn't realize that the "magic" of the show is the combination of lights and sound coming out of that PC! I took a look at the new venue and I THINK it has ETC link. (Wasn't sure what I was looking for when I was looking!) There is an Express 24/42 console and 2 Sensor Racks (one is 48 and the other is 24) How can I be sure it's ETCLink? And if it really is ETClink, can I just send my dmx to the Sensor racks?

  • System Info for St. Pius X, Kansas City Missouri

    ETC Job # 119031

    The dealer was:


    307 West 80th Street
    Kansas City, MO 64114-2376
    Phone: (816) 523-1655 Fax: (816) 523-1690

    SR12+ and SR48+

    Unison Architectural stations to ER4 in Wall mount equipment rack

    Express 24/48 with Emphasis 2D-500 (both connected to a 5-port Switch)

    Switch is connected to Control Booth plug-in via Cat5 (no DMX input anywhere)

    Net plug-ins: Booth, Stage Right, Apron, Stage Left and 2@ Touring Node configured for ‘output’ (these are  portable Net2 nodes).

    You can configure the output node to be in input node using NCE (network configuration editor) and then add a 5-pin turnaround to input into the female connector.

    Please give us a call for added help if needed.


    Mike Meskill

    European Service Manager, ETC

  • Mike, you gave me the keys I needed. I've got voicemail and email out to the dealer including a link to this thread. My sincere thanks to all respondents for their generous allowance of time, knowledge and rich experience.

    Best regards,


  • Rob,

    It was good talking with you this morning.  I trust that our NCE reconfigured Net2 Two Port node did meet your needs once you had a chance to sort out the facility patch?
