Mosaic Triggers

I have 8 timelines, each of which is triggered by one of the digital inputs on my MSC-1.  When any input is triggered I want to prevent the other inputs from launching their timelines until the currently playing timeline is complete.

I suspect that this may be a conditional trigger, but am unsure of how to set this up, can anyone offer some help?



  • Hello-

    The example below will allow Timeline B to start if Timeline A is not running. This would require Timeline A to be stopped and the digital input triggered for Timeline B to start. Alternatively, you could choose the Timeline Onstage condition depending on your specific application. 

    Now, if you want Timeline B to start automatically after Timeline A ends, for example, there are many different ways to accomplish this. Feel free to email me directly and I can help you.



  • Hello-

    The example below will allow Timeline B to start if Timeline A is not running. This would require Timeline A to be stopped and the digital input triggered for Timeline B to start. Alternatively, you could choose the Timeline Onstage condition depending on your specific application. 

    Now, if you want Timeline B to start automatically after Timeline A ends, for example, there are many different ways to accomplish this. Feel free to email me directly and I can help you.


