Swapping fixture types without affecting programming, Organization of groups

Posted: Friday, August 1, 2014 1:12 PM 
Joined: 7/5/2014
Posts: 11


First question:

I am programming a rather complex large architectural installation with 410 custom RGB fixtures. As a general set-up I can use the generic "LED - RGB 8 bit" fixture profile. This works perfectly for the pre-programming which I do off site.

From past experience I know that some of the fixtures are not perfectly calibrated, e.g. some fixtures' white (RGB all 100%) have a slight red tint, some have slight blue tint, etc.. I can then use the fixture editor to create different profiles e.g. "RGB_8bit_WithLessRed", "RGB_8bit_WithLessBlue", etc..

The problem I encounter is that I loose all the complex programming once I swap the fixture profile from the generic "LED - RGB 8 bit" to e.g. my custom "RGB_8bit_WithLessRed".

Example: I go to the "Setup" tab and select fixture #1 in the plan. There is no built-in "swap fixture profile function" or at least I haven't discovered it yet. So I have to delete this fixture (I get the warning that I'll loose all the fixture's programming), select my custom fixture from the library browser and drag it to the plan. I can then assign the #1 to this fixture. Unfortunately as expected I've lost all the programming I've done previously for this fixture.

Is there any way to swap fixture profiles without loosing the programming? This would be extremely helpful considering that so much of the programming is done off site and a lot of tweaks have to be done at a much later stage at the site.

Second question:

Since my 410 RGB fixtures are distributed in a complex 3D matrix spanning several floors of an atrium I have to create countless groups and matrices for efficient use of various effects. I'v tried to nest sub-groups in larger folders on the top level but it looks like I can only create folders on the top level. Even if I drag them into another folder they still appear on the top level. Assuming that I have 50+ groups it just becomes really hard to manage them visually without creating a folder tree structure.

Is there a way to nest folder and have the nested folders disappear from the top level?

Thanks for your help!


PS: It looks like the Mosaic forum doesn't seem to be very active. I am on different other lighting and engineering fora with much large user communities often hundreds of daily posts. Is there another Mosaic forum with a larger user base? Should I simply call ETC if I have further questions?