Posted: Sunday, July 13, 2014 6:06 PM
Joined: 7/5/2014
Posts: 11
I am using 2 Mosaic controllers (MSC1 + MSC2) linked with an Ethernet switch to generate DMX data on 3 universes. It all works well on the DMX output side except when I am trying to simulate the DMX data via ArtNet with a 3rd party software. The 3rd party software I am using is LumiDMX 3D-Pro which is the only option I can afford. It can simulate 16 universes. Works quite well, though except...
The first 2 universes get simulated correctly with LumiDMX. The 3rd universe flickers. I've tested the 2 MSC controllers individually and they work 100% correctly in the simulation software. As soon as I use both MSC controllers together the 3rd universe flickers unfortunately.
The MSC software correctly displays the ArtNet out data but somehow between the MSC controllers and the simulation software the 3rd universe seems to get corrupted. I've tested this on two different Windows computers with two different Ethernet switches.
Here are the switches is used:
- LinkSys Wireless G Broadband Router WRT54G
- DLINK DGS 2208
Any ideas where the problem could be situated? A setting in the MSC software or hardware? Something with the Ethernet switches? Something in the LumiDMX 3D-Pro software? A combination of all 3 areas?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Tech Serv Shaun
Posted: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:34 AM
Joined: 7/4/2014
Posts: 7
What firmware version are you running with MSC?
Shaun Ernst
Tech Support Specialist II
Twitter: @TechServShaun
ETC Tech Serv Underground:
Posted: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:55 AM Edit
Joined: 7/5/2014
Posts: 11
Both MSCs use 1.10.1 as firmware. MSC1's serial is 008686. MSC2's serial is 008658.
Is it possible to talk this through over the phone? You can reach me at 917.536.6541
Posted: Monday, July 14, 2014 11:05 AM
Joined: 7/5/2014
Posts: 11
I've updated the software and firmware to 1.11.1 but the problem unfortunately persists...