Compound 2D LED Fixtures

I'm trying to add a fixture to the library for my project. The fixture is made from four bezier strings of 1W RGB LEDs, spaced 4 wire-inches apart. I already have layouts of the display "maps" that I know how to import; but cant find an example of a fixture made of several LED's in a non orthogonal array. The fixture editor "help" file doesn't go very deep into how to make a custom fixture <just says "use the editor", basically, which isn't much in the way of a tutorial> , but perhaps I'm using the wrong "tutorial" resource. I'm searching the on-CPU help content.

Here's an example:

Each rectangle represents an LED puck. Each string of pucks is assigned to a single DMX address "set". For my simulations, I need the ability to display all the pucks on an address set, ideally in the shape/positioning as shown.

The round circles represent lenses used to modify the light output. I don't need the lenses to actually "simulate"; its good enough to just pop the lights.

I can figure out how to use this artwork as a background; but this is just one of thirty or so in my program -- which is why I want to make a fixture from it; and ideallyfor each of its "design brethren".

This fixture would have four 'channels' I think, in "fixture editor" parlance, visually represented as red, blue, green and black strings. Each would correspond to three DMX addresses, since they're RGB pucks.

Any examples of similar types of fixture definitions available? 

  • Correction: there are actually SEVEN different strings of LEDs in this example fixture.
  • Unfortunately, Mosaic doesn't really think about fixtures in this manner.  While we could have many fixtures in a line in the simulator, each would need to have it's own unique DMX address, so the simulation would not look like real life for you.  

    Perhaps a work around would be to patch single DMX addresses  or RGB fixtures into Mosaic and program there, then push the configuration onto a Mosaic device.  This Mosaic device could output to visualization software.  This software would allow you to lay out the shape above where multiple fixtures have the same DMX address.  This would allow you to see your design "in action."

    Here is a handy ControlBooth post we found about different available visualization tools.  

    I hope this helps.
