Missing fixtures from groups and matrices

Hi there,

Just encountered a strange problem for the first time...

I am creating groups and matrices in a show. It looks like whenever I create a new group that uses a fixture of another group or groups it seems to delete the fixture from the older groups or groups. The same happens when I create new matrix. This never happened to me before. It is very, very strange...

Groups and matrices can share fixtures as far as I remember from projects I've done in the past, correct?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Hi Erwin,

    You are correct the fixtures should be shared between groups and matrices.

    Could you tell us which version of Mosaic you are using and maybe attached your file which is having the problem?

    Also was this file from a old version or a new one created in this version.


  • Thanks for your reply Tom.

    The original file was created in version 1.11.1. some 10 months ago. When I resumed working on the project yesterday the fixtures suddenly disappeared from older groups when I created new groups using an already used fixture. It doesn't happen immediately but only if the new group becomes bigger, let's say 50+ fixtures.

    I've then upgraded to 1.11.4 which unfortunately didn't remedy the problem.

    How can I attach the file to this post? Should I e-mail it to you? What's your e-mail address?



  • Hi Erwin,

    Please send me the file to tom (Dot) mcguire @ etcconnect (dot) com

    If you have the original file as well as your edited one it might help to track down the problem.



  • Heya,

    I was able to figure out why fixtures “disappeared” from groups and matrices. They actually didn’t disappear but new fixtures were created which covered the old ones.

    This became clear when I checked “Show patched on – Unpatched” in the upper left corner in the Setup tab. Suddenly mysterious unpatched fixtures appeared all over my layout. It looks like that during the creation of new groups or matrices just the slightest move with the mouse while having the control key pressed seems to duplicate fixtures. Those new fixtures then cover the fixtures of previously created groups/matrices and make them “disappear”.

    Just deleting those duplicates, being careful with the mouse and checking for unpatched fixtures solved the problem.


  • Heya,

    I was able to figure out why fixtures “disappeared” from groups and matrices. They actually didn’t disappear but new fixtures were created which covered the old ones.

    This became clear when I checked “Show patched on – Unpatched” in the upper left corner in the Setup tab. Suddenly mysterious unpatched fixtures appeared all over my layout. It looks like that during the creation of new groups or matrices just the slightest move with the mouse while having the control key pressed seems to duplicate fixtures. Those new fixtures then cover the fixtures of previously created groups/matrices and make them “disappear”.

    Just deleting those duplicates, being careful with the mouse and checking for unpatched fixtures solved the problem.


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