Just adding an item to the wish list. So far, this is the one item in LSM that I prefer to pharos. Basically, one can set a color as transparent in video, thereby allowing one to run certain types of video over another effect.
It would be even better if pixel intensity could correlate to pixel transparency. Basically, a 100% bright pixel would show as opaque, a 50% bright pixel would have it's hue & saturation averaged with the background effect 50/50, and a 0% bright pixel would show the background effect.
There are a couple of other things that I have been thinking about which might be useful. To allow one to use the alpha channel from a video (basically, reduce a video to a 1 bit, black & white (no grayscale) version) and specify one effect as the black and another as the white.
This might be useful in general for other effects such as sparkle. Allow a background & foreground as separate transparencies. I'm sure that there are some complex programming issues here, but it would be tremendously powerful if it could be allowed to happen. One method might be to make the color boxes in the effect (think the two boxes on color fan) and, when you click on one to select the color, allow an option for another preset.