Text timeline - possible to have fading/smooth motion?


We are using Mosaic Designer's text timeline feature to display text set in a text slot, scrolling horizontally across a 16x5 board of LEDs, where each LED acts as a pixel. While it works, the animation isn't smooth, as the LEDs will just light up and turn off abruptly. Is it possible to have the pixels fade in/out, to make the animation smoother? I tried the "blend" and "seamless" properties for the matrix timeline, and didn't notice any difference.

Thanks very much for any help you could provide.

  • Hello,
    What Version of Mosaic Designer are you using?
    You should be able to edit the "Fade" in of the Matrix Effect.
    The higher the fade time, the longer the leds will take to reach full intensity.
    The Fade in time is edited directly below the "Transition" header in the timeline tab.
    Let me know if there are any questions.
  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your reply. I'm using Mosaic Designer 2.02. I see the "Fade" and related options under "Transition". However these seem to affect the timeline rather than the individual pixels. When the text enters the view, the entire screen seems to gradually fade in, and when it exits the view, it fades out.

    What I'm looking for is a way to make the text appear to scroll continuously, rather than abruptly from one column to the next. So as a pixel "moves" left, the pixel will fade out, while the pixel to the left will fade in. I'm not sure if that will actually have a satisfactory appearance yet, but I'm wondering if this is supported in the text matrix effect so that we can test it. If not, is it possible for us to modify the script of the text effect to add it?

  • Based on your description of the issue it sounds like your are encountering a stuttering with the DMX. Would you be able to email a video of the issue you are seeing?

    I'd recommend that you update to latest Mosaic Software release that can be found here; http://www.etcconnect.com/Products/Architectural-Systems/Mosaic/Designer-2-Software/Software.aspx

    Is the issue still present after updating? 

    My email: tw@etcconnect.com



Reply Children
  • Thank you for your input Tom! You can download a little video of the display from https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7FCouFwAn5kUzlPUUdzZ3B2VGc/view

    What you see is that the text doesn't scroll smoothly across the display. The display is very lo-res, just 5 pixels high, but it looks like the Mosaic Designer text function is only ON-OFF and doesn't fade between the pixels. The fade/release parameters of the Matrix effect only affect fading and releasing of the timeline as a whole but not fading and releasing when the letters scroll from one pixel to the next.
  • I forgot to mention that I did update the Mosaic Designer software following your suggestion, and then updated the firmware, before capturing this video.