Simple fader

I finally receive my MTPC and my buttons. I tried to make a simple fader to control the audience light, i made the interface, draw a fader, patch te audience light and made a group. Then I tried to find a trigger to simply follow the intensity of the fader, but i only found a trigger that put my audience light to a single intensity (master intensity), but doesn't follow the fader movements. How can i do it?



  • Use a Slider trigger instead of intensity trigger. Then under type, select Set RGB, select intensity, set your targets, and you should be good to go.
  • Use a Slider trigger instead of intensity trigger. Then under type, select Set RGB, select intensity, set your targets, and you should be good to go.
  • Thanks for your answer,
    Another question...i try to replace the icons of the page switcher, but they always look ugly...what is the best format and size to export my graphics?