Good way to make a calendar triggers?


I am wondering, how other specialist in the field make a good calendar of trigger? The result I want to have is 1 default timeline and different timelines based on different annual dates (national holidays, ect)

Right now I have this as an example for January:

  1. 1 of January - Timeline 1
  2. 2-10 of January - Default timeline
  3. 11-12 of January - Timeline 2
  4. 13-25 of January - Default timeline
  5. 26 of January - Timeline 3
  6. 27-31 of January - Default timeline

If I want to add for example, a trigger for 28th of January, I just add it between points 6 and 7 also changing the last for January so it becomes:

  1.  1 of January - Timeline 1
  2. 2-10 of January - Default timeline
  3. 11-12 of January - Timeline 2
  4. 13-25 of January - Default timeline
  5. 26 of January - Timeline 3
  6. 27 of January - Timeline 4
  7. 28-31 of January - Default timeline

My triggers are StartUp with Real time conditions and Start timeline action.  Since the controller has a daily Reset all controllers trigger, this works fine. 

Is this how you also do this or is there a better/another way? 

Kind regards,


  • Depends on the project. I don't usually like the controller resetting every day but there isn't really an issue with it. Mosaic reads triggers from the top down, you could do the following...  Assume all triggers are astronomical or real time depending on your needs. 

    Trigger     Condition                               Action(s)

    trigger1 - Real Time *,1,1,*,*,*,*              Release all, Start Timeline 1

    trigger2 - Real Time *,1,2-10,*,*,*,*         Release all, Start Timeline 2

    trigger3 - Real Time *,1,11-12,*,*,*,*       Release all, Start Timeline 3

    trigger4 - Real Time *,1,13-25,*,*,*,*       Release all, Start Timeline 4

    trigger5 - Real Time *,1,26,*,*,*,*            Release all, Start Timeline 5

    trigger6 - Real Time *,1,27,*,*,*,*            Release all, Start Timeline 6

    trigger7 - Real Time *,1,28-31,*,*,*,*       Release all, Start Timeline 7

    trigger10 - X                                            Release all, Start Default timeline

    You could also have trigger 10 at the top and un-check absorb on match

    It is essentially doing the same thing without the hardware reset. Sometimes, depending on the project needs, I could have a table that is referenced by the LUA engine to automatically populate based on the date. It could even be a LUA function using else if in reference to the controllers date(time.get_current_time().month and . monthday I think). This is what I love about Mosaic... there are hundreds of ways to get the result you want. 

  • Depends on the project. I don't usually like the controller resetting every day but there isn't really an issue with it. Mosaic reads triggers from the top down, you could do the following...  Assume all triggers are astronomical or real time depending on your needs. 

    Trigger     Condition                               Action(s)

    trigger1 - Real Time *,1,1,*,*,*,*              Release all, Start Timeline 1

    trigger2 - Real Time *,1,2-10,*,*,*,*         Release all, Start Timeline 2

    trigger3 - Real Time *,1,11-12,*,*,*,*       Release all, Start Timeline 3

    trigger4 - Real Time *,1,13-25,*,*,*,*       Release all, Start Timeline 4

    trigger5 - Real Time *,1,26,*,*,*,*            Release all, Start Timeline 5

    trigger6 - Real Time *,1,27,*,*,*,*            Release all, Start Timeline 6

    trigger7 - Real Time *,1,28-31,*,*,*,*       Release all, Start Timeline 7

    trigger10 - X                                            Release all, Start Default timeline

    You could also have trigger 10 at the top and un-check absorb on match

    It is essentially doing the same thing without the hardware reset. Sometimes, depending on the project needs, I could have a table that is referenced by the LUA engine to automatically populate based on the date. It could even be a LUA function using else if in reference to the controllers date(time.get_current_time().month and . monthday I think). This is what I love about Mosaic... there are hundreds of ways to get the result you want. 
