Setting system time on a TS.... with lua?

how does one set the system time & date in a TS?

Is there a module to do it?  I dont see any ability to set the system time win lua, only read it - no time.Set_current_time() function.



  • Depending on what you are trying to achieve it would be possible to write a script which you enter a offset to real time.

    So having a timed event which runs every 5 minutes and gets the real time then checks what your offset should be and then if it matches one of your programmed times which will need to be stored in lua table then you can do an action.

    Its a load of lua and if timed events want to be changes it will require edits to the lua to be done.

    What is the application for this, the only time i have know to need to edit times on the fly would be a curse ship which moves between time zones??

  • Depending on what you are trying to achieve it would be possible to write a script which you enter a offset to real time.

    So having a timed event which runs every 5 minutes and gets the real time then checks what your offset should be and then if it matches one of your programmed times which will need to be stored in lua table then you can do an action.

    Its a load of lua and if timed events want to be changes it will require edits to the lua to be done.

    What is the application for this, the only time i have know to need to edit times on the fly would be a curse ship which moves between time zones??
