Legacy Unison LCD Background images

Is it possible to download the LCD background images from a Legacy CEMi without a "PC Interface Station"?

Save config to disk on the processor only saves the config (does what it say's on the tin!)

Light manager seems only tobe able to upload images via network, not download.


Many Thanks,



  • Marcus,  unfortunately there wasn't a way to pull them off of the processor. 

    Do you happen to know the Job number?  If you do, it might be that the ETC London office would have a copy of the original configuration along with the LCD image files, depending on when the Images were added and by whom.  I would check with them and see if they have what you are looking for.

  • Marcus,  unfortunately there wasn't a way to pull them off of the processor. 

    Do you happen to know the Job number?  If you do, it might be that the ETC London office would have a copy of the original configuration along with the LCD image files, depending on when the Images were added and by whom.  I would check with them and see if they have what you are looking for.
