Legacy Unison NTP



Is there a way to turn off the NTP multicasts on a Legacy Unison CMEi?

  • Marcus;

    You are asking some fairly specific questions, but I need to start with a general question myself NTP multicast is the principal control mechanism for Networked Legacy Unison, Turning it off can have some significant ramifications on system operability and the stability of the Unison system.

     What it is the problem you are experiencing with your system?


  • Marcus;

    You are asking some fairly specific questions, but I need to start with a general question myself NTP multicast is the principal control mechanism for Networked Legacy Unison, Turning it off can have some significant ramifications on system operability and the stability of the Unison system.

     What it is the problem you are experiencing with your system?


  • The clock on the processor drifts, I was wanting to replace it with a server synced from an external pool.

    I spose what I really want to know, is there a way to set the time on the CMEi from an external device?


  • The CMEi does not communicate via NTP, it uses a simplified version of SNTP. 

    If the clock is drifting I suspect this is a hardware issue within the CMEi and not a network communication issue.

    If you own Light Manager, you could confirm this by changing the IP addresses of your processors. The lowest IP address ( smallest number in the last octet) sets Unison time.  Remember you need to change the addresses in both the Configuration and in the processors themselves.

    If you change processor IP addresses and the problem goes away, it is the hardware issue. This can be repaired at in the London Shop.

    If the time continues to drift after an IP swap, we may be looking at another issue.

    Hope this helps

