AMX/Crestron Access to "Global Off" presets?

So I'm diagnosing a Paradigm system to try to determine why the exterior lighting channels are not staying on all night.  the only preset that these four zones are included in is a preset that I created today, so it cannot be part of anything else previously set up.  This preset was placed into a timed event to activate at Sunset -30, deactivate at Sunrise +30.  In simulation everything seems to work fine, but in live observation the exterior lights came on as expected at around 7PM, but then sometime between coming on and 8:15 they were triggered back to off.  There are no other events indicated in the Paradigm setup, but there IS an AMX system in one room of the facility that interfaces with the Paradigm.  Since I was not on the original programming, just coming in now to try to fix the issue, I have no idea what the AMX guys did.  One of the things that I changed from the previous programming was to eliminate a macro step in a specific macro that was a "Global Off" reference.  This does not exist as a PRESET object in the Presets list (and did not when I opened the config), but is this an object that the AMX guys could have listed in a shut-down string from their system?  It wouldn't be the best option for them since their system is only located in one room of the facility, but if that was the reference they were given... As I said, I've taken excluded these four zones from every other preset object in the config, so if this isn't it, I'm not sure what else I could be chasing.  To be transparent, due to access issues I was NOT able to see the rack after sunset to determine was it the fixtures that were being controlled were not on or were the relays in the rack actually not on, so that's another layer of troubleshooting to still explore, but I DID see the lamps fire up properly at sunset.

  • Hi Ray-

    To investigate further it would be a good idea to view the logs on the PACP. The picture below shows an example of a preset activate string from an AV system. Retrieve the logs via USB directly from the PACP since the webserver log will only show you the most recent activity. Alternatively, you can retrieve the PACP logs via the PACP's webserver.
