Paradigm Sequence/Timed Event Question


I would like to make a simple sequence that corresponds to the time of day using some LEDs.  So the look would contain the most red from say 12-2 at the warmest part of the day and then slowely move to blue as dusk and night come.  I would like the looks to slowely fade into one another as well.

What would be the best way to go about this?

Thanks for your time,


  • I generally find that sequences are best left to short timelines.  They can be fairly arduous to program and edit, depending on what you're trying to accomplish.  For your setup, I would have said to go with simple presets (with very long fade times) and timed events throughout the day that recall them at the right times.

  • I generally find that sequences are best left to short timelines.  They can be fairly arduous to program and edit, depending on what you're trying to accomplish.  For your setup, I would have said to go with simple presets (with very long fade times) and timed events throughout the day that recall them at the right times.
