Override Enable/Disable not working


I tried using the functions Override Enable and Override Disable but they don't seem to change the state of an override - Override Toggle works fine.  Am I missing something?

I'm using Light Designer version


  • Hi Robin,

    In what context are you using Enable/Disable? Fired by a macro, or some other way?



  • Hi,

    Yes, sorry - that would be helpful!

    It works when in a macro but does not seem to when called by a button push.

    I have played with it a bit more so:

    On a maintained button with button down = Override Disable and button up = Override Enable and override initialised as off.

    Click 1: button goes to intermediate state, override stays off

    Click 2: button goes to off state, override stays off

    This repeats.  Double click and the button goes to on state and override  goes on.  After that single clicks alters the button state and turns the override on/off as expected.

  • Hi,

    Yes, sorry - that would be helpful!

    It works when in a macro but does not seem to when called by a button push.

    I have played with it a bit more so:

    On a maintained button with button down = Override Disable and button up = Override Enable and override initialised as off.

    Click 1: button goes to intermediate state, override stays off

    Click 2: button goes to off state, override stays off

    This repeats.  Double click and the button goes to on state and override  goes on.  After that single clicks alters the button state and turns the override on/off as expected.

  • The behavior you're describing is a little confusing, as I'm not sure what you mean by single and double clicks in this context.  With the assignments you described the override will only be disabled when you're actively holding the button down (either by left-clicking and holding the mouse button down, or by right-clicking and choosing press and hold from the context menu).  I did just try this in LD and it works exactly as expected for me.

    What are you expecting the button to do?  Knowing that may help me point you in the right direction.

  • Robin;

    When you are pressing buttons, are you pressing them in LightDesigner or physically on a station?

    It would help us to better replicate what you are seeing.

