Unison Mosaic : Fixture Editor and "Simulate" screen


I have a question about the Fixture editor in Unison Mosaic Show Designer : after creating and configuring a custom fixture (which don't exist on the fixture library - it is a Martin Exterior 400 IP LED), I use it with the Movers  Presets (gobo, color, iris...etc), but the "Mover" screen (and the "Simulate" scrren) shows me results I don't want. For exemple : The DMX Channel 1, with a value of 20 should be "Shutter Open", and It appears like a strob. The Iris channel with a value of 0 should be open, and it appears "closed".

Is there something I don't understand in the fixture editor, or is it normal because the simulation can't understand  that Channel 6 (Iris) at value 0 is open, or pulse when the value is 255 ?

I mean, is there a method in the fixture library for having a "pretty real" simulation ?

Thaks for your answer, and sorry for my english !




