Unison won't update my latest changes

When i try to "Update presets" i get this warning that comes up.  "Update Failed    Invalid Header entry    Max Characters is 200    Importing file UpdPre.csv on processor CMEI 1"   What have i done to get this warning and what does it mean?


  • Well, there is a known issue with .csv file and Excel where it can fail to put in enough commas when you save the .csv file.  The result is the data smooshes together (concatenates) into long invalid entries, which can cause errors like this.   Here is an excerpt from Microsoft on this:


    In Microsoft Excel, if you save a file in the text or the CSV (comma separated value) format, Microsoft Excel places tabs or commas between each column of the worksheet. However, certain text files may be saved with a different number of tabs or commas in 16-row blocks.


    This behavior occurs only if the cells in the last column contain no information.


    To ensure that Microsoft Excel saves tab or comma delimiters for all empty columns, verify that the last column in the file contains some data in at least every 16 rows throughout the file. If the blocks of rows do not contain data, add spaces or other characters in every 16 rows to the cells in the last column or reorder the columns in the worksheet so that the last column on the worksheet always contains information.

    The easiest workaround is to add a "delete me" preset at the far right-most column of the .csv that includes all your Zones, then delete it after import.  Otherwise, you can edit the file using Notepad or similar and manually add any missing commas.

    Hope that helps!
