
We are working in a ballroom that has motorised screens. Some of the down lights are hitting the screen so need to be turned off.

We are achieving this by sending out UDP triggers from the Crestron to the Paradigm.

Screen goes down/Lights turn off. Screen goes up/Lights turn on.

All of this is working well except when the screen is down/lights off and someone changes to another preset, the screen lights are affected.

The question is how to we set a priority on the screen lights group/presets/channels to take precedence over other commands when the screen in down?

  • This sounds like a good use for a Wall to me.

    Put your lights that hit the screen in a sub space, divided from the main space by a wall. Use Crestron to open and close the wall.

    Make sure whichever controls are playing back your presets are set to the Control Space of the main room. If the wall is closed they won't affect the lights hitting the screen.

    Maybe use a macro on the UDP trigger to close the wall and turn off the offending lights at the same time, just to ensure that they are always forced off when the screen comes in. (alternatively use a trigger within Paradigm to watch the wall and do the same thing that way)

  • I would also offer that you could use the received UDP command to control the "Channel Set Max" action to set the Zone or Fixture's maximum intensity to 0% when the shades were down, then another UDP command to set them back to 100% when they were up. This will prevent those channels from outputting levels no matter where the control was coming from inside Paradigm's playback.
  • (Isn't this fun having multiple of us look at this at different times?)

    I'd add that, if there's a risk of competing control (like a DMX input for console control or anything similar), you could also use a Space or Group EZ_Set_Arbitration to take the channels to Use Internal. That would usually keep a console or any other source from driving them up.

    I'd probably use Graham's wall approach on the front end coupling with making that zero level preset higher priority. The nice thing about presets is a fade between architectural levels (sorry, I don't have a workaround to slew to console levels from arch levels).

    Rough Implementation Notes:

    Put channels that hit screen into adjacent space joined by wall.
    Create a toggle macro to fire via UDP.

    Screen On Steps:
    Close wall
    Play 2 second preset including only screen channels set to zero at priority 200.
    Space EZ set arbitration on screens space to Use Internal.

    Screen Off Steps:
    Deactivate screen channel zero preset.
    Space EZ set arbitration on screens space to HTP with Priority.
    Open wall.

  • Thanks for all this

    I will add some more info/complications to the mix.

    The ballroom is a rectangle with a dividing wall down the middle. See pic below.

    It contains 3 screens (2x on long wall and 1x on short wall) and can be used in different configurations.

    Wall in - one screen per room

    Wall out - either 2 screens in landscape mode or 1 screen in portrait mode.


    I think with the above info adding walls to isolate screens may become very complicated.

    BTW I am using the wall function already to split room and change pages on wall panels.


    The "Channel Set Max" feature sounds promising.


    I cant seem to find where to set priorities in a preset. This is what I'm after if it exists.

    Will a higher priority preset override any other presets that get triggered  containing the same channel/group information?

    I eagerly await your replies.

  • The nice thing about Paradigm is that there are often several ways to get to the same end result :-)

    I think it may still be possible to do all of this with multiple walls, but it's too early in the morning for my brain to wotk it out and clearly explain it. Much easier to pursue Tracy's idea of Preset priorities or Dan's Channel Set Max.

    Priorities are applied to Presets by the control that activates them. So if you set a button to Preset Recall LTP for example, you'll see a field in the Property Editor for that button that has Priority set to 100 as a default. the same goes for Presets activated by Macro commands, there is a field in the Property Editor for the Macro step.

    If you activate a Preset which takes your offending lights to zero with a priority of 200 any other preset that includes those channels which is activated with a lower priority will have no effect on those channels. Other channels controlled by the lower priority preset will still function normally as long as they are not included in the higher priority preset.

    Another handy feature here is Persist Under Prioirity. You may want to change this field to 'Yes' for any controls which activate your lower prority presets. This means that when you de-activate the high priority preset the screen lights will revert to the lower priority Preset levels. (ie come back on when the screen goes away if that's what the rest of the room is doing!)

    I've attached a little example config I threw together for reference.

    Preset Priorities, rev 1.pcf

  • PS.
    Priority and Persist are both advanced level features, so make sure you are set to advanced level in Preferences.