House Lighting Controls


In our performing arts space there are panels with a single button that will bring up the house lights. We are in a school and our band directors have asked if these same panels can be programmed to bring up house lights and a custom preset light at the same time. I have been looking for a way to do this and was hoping that one of you might be able to offer a solution. 

Many thanks. 


  • Hi Zach,

    <<Quick moderator note - I may move this to one of the architectural forums, as the wall panels that you're talking about will be one of those systems (Moved from Eos Family)>>

    This largely depends on the type of system that you have. I'd recommend giving your local ETC office a call and asking for phone support. We can help you determine what is possible and if a service technician may be needed to do what you're hoping.

    What will help us best is if you have a job number from the installation. Quite often, this will be listed on job drawings or on a label on the dimming/architectural racks. Serial numbers of equipment could also help us identify if the job number can't be found.

    Contact information for your local ETC Tech Support office can be found here:

