I have a venue with two CMEi processors, each handling one universe of DMX. Processor one is sent USAP control strings from an AMX processor, and processor two is networked to processor 1. Both processors output hardline DMX into a net3 gateway. Because both processors also output EDMX into an already "busy" network, I'd like to remove them from my switches. At present, the two processors are on a separate vlan from everything else, but after troubleshooting some issues recently I'd like to try and get the two processors off the physical switch entirely. Given that the communication only needs to exist between the two devices, today I attempted to connect a crossover cable between the two processors but the communication between the two processors did not work. Is this an approach that has worked for others? Any suggestions on making it work? Or should I just buy a cheap 4port switch for the two unisons and move on with my life?