Color Not Working On Paradigm

I work in a theater that has an ETC element for main show control (cueing) and we use paradigm button stations to pull up "scenes that for smaller events" I was programming a few things into the button stations a couple of days ago and we have a mostly led color mixing rig and I went to make the scenes on our element console to then record into the button stations and the color and everything worked just fine and then as soon as I programmed it into the button stations and did clear sneak enter on the element all of the color on the stage turned white. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening and how I might fix it?

  • Hi Everyone,

    I tried it out and I actually figured out that that is not the problem. I have found out the problem is that when I use the ML controls on the Element to mix color manualy then record it to the Paradigm then go to cue out and even re start the console it comes out as white when I trigger that preset on the Pardigm. I am wondering if anyone might know why this might be happening and how I might fix it?

  • i still think the origianl diagnosis is correct. can you try this just to check the hypothesis:

    use the ML controls to mix a color, record it to paradigm. now move all colors of that/those channel(s) down to 0. also bring down the intensity down to 0. does paradigm show the color now?

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