I need some help with my schools unison system.

I am head tech at my school, and we have a unison system in both our main auditorium, and in your drama lab (Black Box). The system in the auditorium works perfectly fine, has the touch screen control center and everything, but our problem is in the black box, they gave us two boxes by the doors, that have the five buttons, 4 presets and 1 off, but they did not give us the box like in the auditorium, so my question is, is there a way to record presets from dimmer rack itself, or maybe the Smartfade box thats in there? I've looked in the manuals and have found nothing, its got my drama director and I stumped, any help or advise would be GREATLY appreciated.




  • I failed to mention, it was put in about a year ago, I can get the version number or anything else if need be.

  • Matt,

    It is possible to record over the existing presets in your Unison system without having a record function programmed on your button station or LCD station.  Because you have a SmartFade control console that sends DMX to your processor this is particularly simple to do. In general you will set the look you would like on the SmartFade console and use the record feature form the processor in the Setup>Presets menu. We call this Snapshot, and it does perform the same action as using the record button on your LCD station. This will overwrite your existing preset information for the preset you record.

    There are some factors that come into play; for example the channels you want to control must be included in the processors configuration for the preset you are recording. For these reasons you may want to call ETC technical service, who can walk you thru the process and should have a copy of your systems configuration file in their records.


  • Thanks for your reply!

    Ill definately check it out tomorrow and see if i can find the presets, If i still have trouble, ill call ETC and see if they can help me out.

    Thanks again!

