Wireless networking and Unison Light Designer

Has anyone tried or had any success with using Live Control mode with Light designer and a Paradigm processor?

  • Jeff,

    This is not a supported interface for LightDesigner. It is untested and I would expect you to encounter several issues preventing you from getting this to work properly, reliably, or at all.. Wireless networks are prone to issues including packet loss, which in Live Control will men the system does not work. There is a solution if you need to connect to the Paradigm system using a wireless connection from a laptop, but it will require a second computer. You can connect a computer to the wired network, and use remote desktop to connect wireless to that computer to control and program the Paradigm system. This is a setup that is currently implemented on multiple Unison Paradigm sites and works very well.

  • Jeff,

    This is not a supported interface for LightDesigner. It is untested and I would expect you to encounter several issues preventing you from getting this to work properly, reliably, or at all.. Wireless networks are prone to issues including packet loss, which in Live Control will men the system does not work. There is a solution if you need to connect to the Paradigm system using a wireless connection from a laptop, but it will require a second computer. You can connect a computer to the wired network, and use remote desktop to connect wireless to that computer to control and program the Paradigm system. This is a setup that is currently implemented on multiple Unison Paradigm sites and works very well.

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