Paradigm and sACN inputs

Is it possible within the Paradigm Light Designer program to have a patch table for sACN inputs that can change based on room combine status?

For example, take a ballroom, dividable into 2 sections, each with a DMX tap in each section.

The DMX input for Section A would be run back to a Net3 Gateway, and called sACN universe 1.  Dimmers 1-48 would be patched into section A with a priority of 100, 49-96 would have a priority of 90.

The DMX input for Section b would be run back to another port on the Net3 Gateway and called sACN universe 2. Dimmers 1-48 would have a priority of 90, and 49-96 would have a priority of 100. 

Then the two streams are mapped to the DMX input of the Paradigm Processor with the differing priorities.  This would then in theory allow two consoles to drive their respective dimmers without conflict based on priority.  Then if the console in either section was removed, the other console could conceivably drive the whole room correct?

Next phase of the question- Based on the previous setup, is it possible to within paradigm set both sACN universes to the same priority to have a strict HTP setup in both rooms for all 96 dimmers, and have this change happen based on the dividing wall's open/closed state?

Just trying to come up with a solution for a customer to allow for limiting DMX input when the rooms are separate, but allow full access when the rooms are combined, with a minimum of hardware/user interface.




  • Dennis,

    This is very possible in a Unison Paradigm system. You can use a button or macro to change the sACN priority as needed. In this case you could write a macro to change the priority when the wall state changes, making the room combine button activate a macro that changes wall state and sACN priority. Applications Engineering can certainly help you get this set up as needed
