Heritage box record to sliders?

I know it's possible to use a Heritage control box and record  to the 'preset' buttons on the boxes.  Is there an update to the software that lets you record to the sliders as well?  I'd like to control a different set of lights than are configured now.  Does "Record" supposed to work with the sliders, too?

  • I'm guessing by "Heritage" you mean what we're calling Legacy Unison - rather than the new Unison Paradigm/Unison Smartlink systems..

    The answer is really it depends what the sliders are configured to control. If they are controlling just zones (i.e. usually a single dimmer), then no, the only way to change what they control is to reprogram the system using Lightmanager.

    If they control more than one dimmer, it's likely they are programmed to control a preset. Presets can be re-recorded, but not directly at the station by pressing record and then moving a fader, like you can with presets on buttons by pressing record and then the button.

    If they are presets, you would need to figure out what preset the faders control, and then you could re-record that from the Unison processor menus.

    Probably your best bet to work this out would be to call ETC tech support - they should have the configuration for your system and would be able to talk you through altering the presets.

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  • No, it's a new Unison Heritage Control Station installed back in March.  I know which addresses the sliders currently operate, and I'd like to configure them to operate different addresses so that the high school faculty can create a few different "looks" on stage without bothering one of the tech crew to come in and fire up the Ion.  Sure, I could re-wire the fixtures in the catwalks, but there's got to be a simpler way.

  • Ah, OK.. well in order to do that you would need "Light Designer", the program used to reconfigure Paradigm systems. Unfortunately we only distribute this to our authorised service technicians and people with training in how to use it. What I would do in your case is contact whoever installed the system, they can likely make these changes for you easily and e-mail you a configuration file that you can load into your Paradigm processor from a USB key or SD card.

    If you don't know who installed it or have any problems getting that done, give us a call and we can help out!


