Channel selection controls on Paradigm LCD

Is there a way to create a channel selection and level control interface on a Paradigm LCD screen ?

I am designing an interface to allow a user to select any channel from their dimmers, and then set a level on it.

  • If I understand correctly; you wish to type in a channel number, then type a level for that channel as you would on a console?  Silly question, but is there a reason to not just use a console?

    There's no way to do this using standard functionality, but the beauty of Paradigm is that a lot of non-standard functionality can be added using custom scripts.  The programming for this behavior would be fairly complex, and there may be some limitations on how well it works.  One big stumbling point is that current software doesn't allow for dynamic text on a touchscreen.  That means there's no (good) way to display the information that you're typing.  Another concern is that in an architectural config you generally think more in terms of names than numbers.  This tends to make a keypad somewhat unintuitive.

    One thing I have played with (but haven't finished or fully tested yet) is having a touchscreen page with a button for each channel and a single fader.  The fader then controls whatever button or buttons are currently selected.  The advantage to this is that it's a lot less open-ended than a keypad, and it fits a bit better within the architectural mindset.  It would still require some custom scripts, but I've at least got a start on that.


  • I'd love something like that. I have a config I've been playing with for a job with about 30 CMY color changers. I'd love to be able to have a page of buttons to select fixtures which would then be controlled by CMY & intensity faders.



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