lights blinking on their own.

We have a 48 dimmer unison dimming system with about 36 source four instruments.  when the system was first installed they installed an express 48/96 board.  over the course of the years we had that board certain lights would just start flashing when we had that light recorded in a submaster.  It would only happen if the light was at around 40-60% on the intensity.  we were told it was the board.  about 3 months ago that board finally died on us.  since then we have replaced the board with an element 60-500 and we still have the lights flashing.  we have been told that it is not the unison system at all.  Can anyone tell me of another solution to the problem.  could it be in the dmx cable itself? 



  • Allen

    I would start by resetting the rack both the unison and the sensor rack.  Often the rack display will give you errors that are good clues to where the problem is.   There are a number of things this could possibly be, The rack has a sensor inside that monitors the incoming air flow and if there is not enough air it will turn lights off to protect the rack, I would advise a complete cleaning.  You will need to start by powering down the entire rack and then cleaning the filter in the door, the individual modules and most importantly the cem.  The air flow sensor is in the front right hand corner of the processor.


    Is the room environment that the rack is in very hot??  If the rack is not adequately cooled it will again try to protect its self so that it does not overheat.  This will also give the appearance of flickering lights.


    The final test you can try is again with the rack powered down, take a flashing circuit and swap the module (of the same type) with one that is not flashing.  If the problem moves then you know the problem is in the module.

    I the above does not help feel free to call in to tec support and we will continue the trouble shooting with you over the phone.


  • we have done all of these that you suggested.  even moving the dimmer packs around.  It never follows the dimmer pack.  We have replaced lamps in the source four instruments.  I am just wondering if a ground loop could cause the problem.  We do have a ground loop in our sound system that does cause a hum in the speakers.  I was wanting to know if there is a good test we can do on the dmx cable from the booth to the rack that would tell us if we have any noise or cross talk in the line?  Also would putting an opto isolator inline do any good?  there is probably a good 100' of dmx cable between the board and the dimmer rack.  Is tech support available on SAT/SUN?  if so I may try to spend a saturday on the phone with them to do further trouble shooting.

  • You could navigate into the Unison Diagnostic menu and look at DMX In/Out of the system to see if Unison is creating the flash, or just passing it along.

    You havent moved CMd Cmed, etc arround causing DMX termination issues?


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