Fade time buttons

 Is there a way, instead of faders, to create buttons on a touch screen with fixed times to change presets fade times?

  • Assuming legacy Unison as opposed to Paradigm ?.

    In legacy Unison, changes are created with software called Light Manager.  You can create a Preset with a defined time that will control whatever zones are currently controlled by the virtual fader. One question though - what does the virtual fader control now ?, house lights ?.

    You might want to think about the loss of ability to move a virtual fader to any level.  What I do with my house light control (as example) is to have 5 presets - House Full, House Half, House Hi Glow (37%), House Lo-Glow (25%), and Out.  This way I have predefined options with a button push .  Maybe have them add presets on the page with the virtual fader so you have both options.

    I would contact ETC Tech. Support and ask about this modification. 1 800 688 4116

    Usually it requires that you save the existing configuration in the Unison processor to a 3-1/2 floppy, e-mail that file as an attachment, then have them look at the file.  They can then make the modification you desire.  They would then send the file back, you would save it a floppy and (following their instructions) load it into the processor.

    I have no idea if they charge for this service.

    EDIT:  And as addendum, and as a result of the ability to have the Light Manager file changes be potentially significant in the operation of the facility, if I were the person making the changes (at ETC and if they don;t know you already), I'd want some form of documentation that the person requesting the changes is authorized to implement the changes.  I.E., be prepared to prove that you are who you say you are and not simply a high school student that thinks it's cool.  No offense intended.

    Steve B.



    [edited by: Steve Bailey at 7:16 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Mar 30 2010]