Unison vs. Acclaim Control issues

Last week I was called to look at an install (2001) which had an SR-24 (Chan 1- 48) with a DR-12 (Chan 49 <) for the houselights.  The customer reported, and I witnessed, the following.

The houselights were off and they had brought up some stage lights with the Acclaim (48 Channel).  After 15 minutes the houselights came on by themselves and not by zones.  Pressing the Off button on the Unison houselight control panel had no affect.  The only way to regain control was by turning off the Acclaim.  So they have for the past 9 years, set the scene with the Acclaim and recorded it into a Unison Preset.  That was the only way to prevent the houselights from turning on in the middle of a show.  I checked the DMX wiring in the racks and it was all correct.  I borrowed a Microvision from another space, plugged it in and tried to replicate the problem, but it worked fine.  I plugged their Acclaim back in and told them to keep checking it as it looked like the board was causing the problems.  That was last week and so far they have not had any problems at all. 

Has anyone else had an experience like this or might know what was causing it?  Maybe I just have the "magic" touch to repair systems without doing anything!  Lol 

I appreciate your input and thoughts!

