Paradigm VTS and All-In-One computers...advice wanted

I am looking at options to replace a dead TS-18 Touchscreen and I am wondering if anyone has had luck with an all-in-one computer running VTS?

i.e HP 23.8" Touchscreen All-in-One Desktop - AMD Ryzen 5 7520U - 1080p - Windows 11 | Costco

I have not played too heavily with deploying win11 machines, so I have some questions involving windows activation and such with a machine that will never see the outside world - can this be done? Or do I have to create a bunch of dummy Microsoft accounts, etc.

I am also replacing a dead Job computer (win7) so I am assuming memory and hard drive sizes are not going to be an issue with a current low end machine.

Any thoughts?

  • Pretty much any modern PC should be more than capable of running the VTS software (both in terms of speed, memory, and storage), including the one you linked. The P-TS18 actually is an all-in-one PC running Windows 7 Embedded.

    Although I've not personally tried this, apparently if the PC is not connected to the internet when powered on and setup for the first time it can create a local machine-specific account instead of a Microsoft account. When it prompts you to connect to a network there's apparently a "I don't have internet" or "Skip for now" option you can click to get that option. But I've also seen some info that it may require re-installing Windows 11 to get that option. Here's a few links I was perusing on the topic:

  • Well I picked up a Lenovo all in one to play with.  

    I found it will not let you setup without active internet access.  The trick was to get as far as entering a new Microsoft account username, then pulling network before hitting submit.....only then would it allow setup without associating a microsoft account.  Otherwise, you can't get past choosing the language for windows.

    Then it was disabling every friggin auto-update service pre installed

    So, everything is working ok....

    ...except I has a strange problem with VTS:

    Whenever VTS is first launched, as soon as a screen is picked, all lights are driven to full (yikes!) (it could be a preset, but I dont see one running) until I hit OFF on the touch screen.


    Any thought?

  • What version of LD software are you using? Did you check if there's any actions assigned to a splash page on the touchscreen? Are there any triggers with matching page actions at the Server level?

  • V5.01. 

    There are actions assigned to the splash screen, but this config has been stable for at least 5 years since it was last updated, except for timed events and preset recording.

    This NEVER happened when starting up the original TS18....or VTS on the Job Computer.

    The only real difference I can think of is screen size and resolution; The new machine has a much larger screen.

    Is there some setting in VTS that need clearing or somehow refreshing that I am missing?  Is there some saved last look from the TS18 that it is referencing?  The new machine is set to the same IP as the dead TS18.  

  • The screen size and resolution has no bearing on actions executed from the configuration, whether run via VTS on a computer or a P-TS18. Looking at logs is the next step. If you'd like assistance digging into them then please send the following to Tech Support so we can investigate this more deeply:

    • Server config (SPCF)
    • P-CCS logs
    • P-ACP logs
    • Date/times of specific instances where you've seen this occur