Legacy Unison - 10 Button Station Programming


We have a legacy Unison system in one of our school lecture rooms. Unfortunately, all information who installed the system is lost and there appears to be no information attached to any of the kit. The "main" LCD control panel has long since been damaged and destroyed, we are left with 2 10 button stations and the controller. This would be fine but the presets on the buttons are not much use and subsequently I have been recalling presets from the controller. Is there a way on the controller to change these or will it have to be done through Light manager? 

Is there anything I can do here except try to find somebody who has legacy experience in our area?

For information we are in a school in Glasgow Scotland. 

Thanks to anybody who can help 


I work in the IT department (Infrastructure) but because my background was AV instillation prior, I end up with these things lol. 

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