Unison Light Manager and DR12

We are using a DR12 to control the sanctuary dimmers at our church.  Each day I learn a little more about the setup through questions answered here and rereading the manuals.  I was reading through the DR Owners Manual REVB and realized that it is talking about loading different configurations created in Unison Light Manager 1.65.

Is this an actual software package that can be loaded onto a PC for use?  If so where can I download this utility.  I would like to modify our current configuration to change some of the preset buttons on the wall plates and the fader control.

If this is not software, it appears the only way to modify the system is to use the buttons on the front control panel.

Any and all assistance is appreciated.

  • Light Manager is a software program for commissioning Unison systems. We offer information about the software on our website for sales purposes, but do not offer the software on our website.


    Light Manager was developed for use by ETC certified service technicians, since it allows access to all of the settings in Unison, which may not be compatible with all installations. Sites that wish to use Light Manager software must have at least one staff member who can receive an eight-hour training course.  This course is offered on-site through one of our dealers in your area.  Should you decide to purchase training for Light Manager, please contact your local dealer to obtain pricing.  Dealer information can be found on our website:




    If you have further questions regarding your system, please feel free to contact ETC Technical Services at (800) 688-4116.


    [edited by: ssteele at 2:25 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Nov 8 2010]
  • Can the presets be modified using the front screen menu?  If so how would this be done.  I don't see the training being approved in the near future.  So  I need to find another option.

Reply Children
  • As long as the dimmers are included in the preset in which you would like to record, you will be able to record new levels through the Unison processor.  It is a process that can be easily described to you over the phone either by an ETC certified service technician or ETC Technical Services.
